Monday 27 January 2020

SCBWI Social on 8th February

Come along to Ardagh Heritage and Creativity Centre from 11am to 1pm on Saturday 8th February to hear the Quirky Tales stories and poems and join in the fun st the SCBWI Midlands Social. Children and adults welcome. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Saturday 7 December 2019

Fantastic fun today

A big thank you to everyone who came along and made the launch of Quirky Tales a very special event today. Thanks again to all the artists and writers, it was fantastic to see so many of you and we were delighted to finally see the book in print. For anyone who missed the launch copies are available to buy in Creative Ardagh Craft Shop, Ardagh Heritage and Creativity Centre or Newsround Longford or online here on the shop page. Here's a few pictures from today. Watch out for photos in next week's Longford Leader too.

Friday 6 December 2019

Launch tomorrow at 2pm

It's getting very exciting, the books have arrived, the exhibition is up and all that's left now is to meet the writers and artists and enjoy the fun at the launch tomorrow at 2pm in Ardagh Heritage and Creativity Centre. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Book launch on 7th December

We are excited to announce that the launch of Quirky Tales will take place in Ardagh Heritage and Creativity Centre, Ardagh, Co. Longford on Saturday 7th December at 2.00pm. All are welcome to attend.
The writers will read some extracts and all art received for inclusion will be on display. Creative Ardagh craft shop which stocks a wonderful array of handmade crafts, books and Christmas gifts will also be open. There will also be tea, and maybe even some cake!
Come along and join the fun on the day.

Saturday 16 November 2019

Welcome to Quirky Tales

Every quarter a group of writers and illustrators gather in Ardagh Heritage and Creativity Centre, Ardagh, Co. Longford under the guidance of Eileen Moynihan to eat cake, laugh, listen to and look at each other’s work.
    All are passionate about the world of the imagination and about creating stories, poems and art for children. Eileen organises a full learning experience each time, bringing inspirational writers and illustrators along to share their skills.
    As a result of that gathering and a call out for illustrations participants in the SCBWI Ireland - Midlands social group is now getting ready to launch their first book of stories and poems for children, Quirky Tales. We were delighted to receive pictures from far and near and from old and young. Details of the launch and how to get your copy will be added here soon. We hope you enjoy meeting the characters and joining in their adventures!

The Quirky Tales Ardagh social group