The artists

Annette Corkery is a partner in Creative Ardagh and Scéalta Beo and has been a participant in the SCBWI Ireland - Midlands social group since they started meeting quarterly in Ardagh Heritage and Creativity Centre. She worked as a graphic designer and art teacher for many years, but always had a passion for heritage, mythology and creative education. She did the design and layout for Quirky Tales and has exhibited her art in the past at Cruthú Arts Festival and in Engage Longford.

Mary Smyth is an Animator & Illustrator living in the village of Ardagh, Co. Longford. She graduated in 2017 from Limerick School of Art & Design with a BA in Design, specialising in Animation & Motion Design. Currently she is freelancing, creating work for clients and herself, such as; Illustrations for books and websites, Business adverts and promotional work, Paintings and short Animation pieces. In particular, she enjoys researching and exploring Irish mythology and history; creating and developing stories; designing character aesthetics; and she works mainly with Illustrations, 2D Animation and Mixed Media.
See Twilight Tales here.

Following a call out for illustrations we received entries from far and near and from old and young artists. The following have their contributions published in the book:
Amber Cheshire
Ash by Joni Clarke
Ben Clarke
Joni Clarke
Oisín Clarke
Katie Cooney
Dillon Corkery
Dan Flynn
Alex Goncaves
Kayden Hanlon
Lucy Hood
Zainab Khamgan
Diter Celms Krumins
Beth Lecroy
Emmaline Lecroy
Ben Mac an Tuille
Cara Martin
Sally Martin
Aoife Moyinhan
Arlene Ní Argáin
Hailey Nic Eoghaín
Cleo Ní Chianáin
Zoe Ní Chianáin
Erin Ní Dhálaigh
Francesca Ní Sheasuaín
Ava Grace Ní Uiginn
Lorcán Ó Dónaill
Kayla Olivarius
Shey Ó Maolmhichil
Rob Peacock
Lily-May Smyth
Mary Smyth
Jacob Sweeney-Lacey
The pictures that didn't make it into the book will be on show during the launch at Ardagh Heritage and Creativity Centre in early December. Watch this space for more details.

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